About Us

The National Toxics Network (NTN) is a community based network working to ensure a toxic-free future for all. NTN was formed in 1993 and has grown as a national network giving a voice to community and environmental organisations across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.

NTN is the Australian focal point for the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) and works towards the full implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)2001 and other global chemical conventions. NTN is a member of the NGO delegation to the POPs Review Committee which is the UN scientific committee assessing new POPs’ nominations.

NTN represented Australian and global NGOs at the OECD Chemical Joint Meetings and was actively involved in the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS), providing an Australian focal point for their INFOCAP information and capacity building program. NTN participates in the Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management and is part of the NGO delegation to the negotiations for a Mercury treaty.

NTN supports communities involved in hazardous waste management, pesticides and environmental health issues.  Our committee members are involved in a range of national advisory bodies including the Hazardous Waste Reference Group, the Stockholm Stakeholders Reference Group, the National Industrial Chemicals Notification Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) Community Engagement Forum and Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority committees. We also participate in related technical advisory panels.


National Coordinator: Jo Immig (NSW)
Assistant Coordinator: Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith (NSW)
Public Officer: Julia Pitts (ACT)
Secretary: Jane Bremmer (WA)
Treasurer: John Wickens (NSW)

Committee Members:

Dr Rye Senjen (VIC)
Imogen Ingram (Cook Is.)
Meriel Watts (NZ)