Instrumental in WA’s Contaminated Sites Act, Jane has been an environmental health activist in WA for over 25 years.
After suffering adverse health impacts from an historical huge waste oil pit near their home, Jane and her partner campaigned to have the site cleaned up and residents relocated.
This work also provided an opportunity for many other communities facing similar toxic threats to join together. Subsequently Jane and a band of volunteers formed the Alliance for a Clean Environment. The groups first campaign to prevent a fifth brickworks setting up in the Swan Valley resulted in a successful Supreme Court win with the assistance of the WA Environmental Defenders Office.
ACE has now become WA’s peak environmental health and justice NGO with campaigns on waste management, pollution and other toxic chemical threats, air quality, environmental health and justice for communities facing disproportionate risks from industry and poor planning decisions. A focus on protecting children’s health and preservation of the environment underpins all work ACE undertakes.
Jane HAS served as a member of the NICNAS (Federal regulator of industrial chemicals) Community Engagement Forum since 2004 and is an advisory committee member for the Environmental Justice Society.
Contact Jane: